

Every Sunday night the youth of Broadmoor UMC gather in Anderson Hall (the gym) for our main youth event of the week.  UMY, which stands for United Methodist Youth, is a great night to play games, eat together, and have worship with your closest friends. 

UMY is always open to everyone so bring some friends! 

Our typical monthly schedule works like this:

  • 1st Sunday- Big/ Invitation Event.

    • This is the kind of Event you invite your friend to do for the first time. A low stress, engaging activity. Encouragement and connection will be made with every new person!

  • 2nd Sunday- Small Group night.

    • This night gives a chance to break out in smaller groups for discussions on “worldly” topics. We will be splitting the middle and High schoolers, so discussions will be able to be had on a level that’s appropriate for them. Games for the night will rotate between upstairs and downstairs for High Schoolers and middle schoolers. 

  • 3rd Sunday- Theme night.

    • This night is a more “Traditional” youth night, but with a twist; every Theme night is based around a different TV show, Movie, or Topic, this means games, discussions, and possible opportunities to dress up!

  • 4th Sunday- Breakout Nights.

    • This night is an opportunity to hang out as more contained age groups and do a fun activity together! Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers will all do the same activities throughout the year (like seeing a movie, bowling, etc.), But just with people around their age!


UMY | Sundays 5:00-7:00 PM in the gym

Sunday School | Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 AM in the Basement

Breakfast Club | Wednesday Mornings (School Year) @ 7:00 AM

Sunday School

ORANGE | 6th & 7th grade

Our Middle School curriculum offers the opportunity to dive deeper into the faith they learned from children’s ministry. This curriculum offers the chance to talk about our lives, our world, and our faith, all while using games, videos, and discussion-based questions to help guide us along the way! 

Confirmation | 8th grade

As students enter the 8th grade they are given the opportunity to become full members of the church and commit to being lifelong followers of Christ.  During the confirmation year students will learn the core beliefs, practices, and emphases of the United Methodist Church and how they fit in to the greater Body of Christ.  The year also includes trips to different faith congregations and personal sessions with pastors.

ORANGE | 9th-12th grades

Our High School curriculum offers the opportunity to dive deeper into topics that maybe we couldn’t discuss before- things like divorce, inequality, depression, etc. This curriculum offers the chance to talk about our lives, our world, and our faith, all while using games, videos, and discussion-based questions to help guide us along the way! 


Fall Retreat

Our first retreat of the year is an all-youth getaway!  Each year we travel to Camp Caney for an amazing weekend of worship, learning and FUN!  Our topic each year will focus on our relationship with God and what God is calling us to do in the world.

Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat is our big overnight bash at Broadmoor!  This is an overnight retreat held at our church where we have inflatables, contests, worship, food, and life-giving small groups designed to help our students grow in their relationship with Christ.  We also take time in the weekend to do a service project together.

Youth Week

Youth Week is our kick-off for summer and a celebration for our rising 6th grade students as they enter the youth group!  All week long we have awesome events including a special trip and an all-night party.  You don’t want to miss out!

CSM High School Mission Trip

CSM (Center for Student Missions) is our annual, week-long mission opportunity for our high school youth.  Every year we will go to a different city that CSM serves. This is what we do: First, we live in the city – experiencing firsthand the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of urban life.  CSM’s housing options are located in the heart of their respective city.  We also eat at local ethnic restaurants and discover the delights of Salvadorian, Middle Eastern, Filipino, African–American, and other cuisine.  Second, we learn about the city – unique issues and problems that city dwellers face and what God is doing to foster and further His Kingdom in the city, through the indigenous organizations that operate on the front lines of urban ministry.  Third, we become part of the solutions for the city – by offering our time, energy and sweat as we support these indigenous "ministry sites."  CSM plugs us into a variety of hands-on ministry opportunities to ensure that our time in the city is spent supplying substantive help to God’s people in the city.

Mission Statement

The Student Ministry of Broadmoor UMC exists to serve, grow, and build relationships so that
6th-12th grade students become lifelong believers and lovers of God. 

Core Values

Growing in faith

Becoming Christian disciples through study, prayer, worship, mission, and fellowship.

Walking in the footsteps of Christ

Living one’s faith through acceptance, integrity, compassion, and service to the community.

Nurturing fellowship

Being part of a faith family that loves and supports one another and has fun together.


For more information about our Youth Ministry, contact Brandon Winningham at